Our Services
At Wishing Hearts Charity, we're committed to supporting older people within our society. We seek to ensure that they can thrive by providing opportunities for them to engage socially within their communities, encouraging them to interact with new people and form new connections. This page outlines the services we provide based on this principle.

Our Wishes are unique experiences which are designed to get people out of the house and engaging with activities within their community. This service is focussed on helping to fulfil the wishes which are going to enhance the quality of life of older people - whether that be through a unique social outing, support with a life-changing equipment or something else entirely.
Click the button below to find out more about our Wishes service.

Coffee Mornings
We know that giving people a reason to get out of bed in the morning is so important for mental health and wellbeing. We also know that for many of the people we work with, having the opportunity to interact with new friends and make new friends can be life changing. This is why we are delighted to provide coffee mornings in and around the Maidstone area - providing people aged 65+ with opportunities to meet others.
Click the button below to find out more about our Coffee Mornings.

Get In Touch
Wishing Hearts accept referrals from individuals who may benefit from our Wishes, alongside from family members, friends and professional organisations. Please use the form below to make a referral for a Wish.